69 Hurst Parade car??? Hmmmmmmmmm

Discussion in 'Ebay Parts and Cars' started by STAGE III, Oct 15, 2006.


    STAGE III Lost Experimental 455-4 Bolt Main Block.

    Okay I guess I am doomed to go after these suspect ads after falling victum to a crook a few years ago .

    Reminds me of the other ad we discussed on the "rare GSX convertible few days ago" more history of these cars,lots of suggestive info etc etc.

    Guy said today he has no documentation and here was his responce yesterday (I told him I use to have a 69 Hurst hardtop)

    "My research shows the Parade cars are a Cutlass with a 350 A/C power windows and brakes. Hurst painted and hung the goodies on it. If you know different you answered your own question.
    Thanks for looking"


    If this is another form of scamming going on I want to report them is my main drive here.This is a nice looking vehicle, mirrors look correct,dual gate,rims (except for incorrect paint I believe should be a little lighter) scoops (but wrong air cleaner) etc etc. Anyhow another nicely restored car but I'd HATE to see someone get taken advantage of as he has given just enough info to let someone hang themselves.

    Jim, what you think about this car being (one of 3?) or Olds Lawyer?
  2. kingdaddycreel

    kingdaddycreel Well-Known Member

    according to my freind Nelson who has been a olds nut forever and currently owns a real 69 hurst olds(#712 to be exact) had some intesting info on this car. There where only 3 convertible Hurst cars ever made. one was destroyed during testing, the other is in museum somewhere(slipped my mind the state) and Linda Vaughn (Ms. Hurst)has the third one. several years ago she was offered 3 million for the car and would not take it said she would never sell it and did not need the cash. Nelson found out this info when he had his car signed by Dr. olds himself in P.A.at the GM nationals.
    just thought i would post that.
  3. in one of the pics on the ebay site it looked like theres 7 or 8 lined up?
  4. pglade

    pglade Well-Known Member

    at least one real one is owned by an individual in the Olds Club of America. He brought it to the OCA Nationals in Denver a few years ago....unrestored and nice.

    STAGE III Lost Experimental 455-4 Bolt Main Block.

    Yes, there are 7 or 8 pictured but I happen to know just one is a convertible and the rest are hardtops.

    Also noticed the car for sale is a 350 instead of 455H/O which the guy says is correct.

    Knew about Linda's car and the museum car but didn't know about the third which was burned.Thanks for the info

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    STAGE III Lost Experimental 455-4 Bolt Main Block.

    One moe :TU:

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  7. racenu

    racenu Well-Known Member

    is there a car in that pic somewhere?

    STAGE III Lost Experimental 455-4 Bolt Main Block.

    "is there a car in that pic somewhere?"

    :eek2: Huh? Car? Oh caaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrr... yeh I've got one :laugh:
  9. GSXray

    GSXray Member

    Nice Cameltoe! :beer
  10. GSXray

    GSXray Member

    Nice Camel toe! :beer

    STAGE III Lost Experimental 455-4 Bolt Main Block.

    A what?

    Nah, thats a floor shifter :Smarty:

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  12. Junkman

    Junkman Well-Known Member

    The vin for a 442 based Hurst/Olds would start out with '334' ,not '336'. This car is probably a recreation or clone.

    STAGE III Lost Experimental 455-4 Bolt Main Block.

    would start out with '334' ,not '336'

    Okay, there is one mark against it. I just want to know so I can report the ad before someone gets ripped off basically.

    If it is a clone he has misrepresented this thing to the max and he is offering NO information that it is a recreation.

    He's thrown the "fake bait" out there and is just hoping some "big investor fish" will snap it up for big bucks as a one of three car, before it can be confirmed.

    Then all he has to say was "I never SAID it was legit, that is just the history of the parade cars I included in the ad to make it more interesting to read, I had no IDEA someone would think it was really one of the original three :Brow: "

    arggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh :spank:
  14. Dan K

    Dan K Well-Known Member

    I believe 'Ol George Hurst died of a heart attack..... :Brow: Dan
  15. Brad Conley

    Brad Conley RIP Staff Member

    Anybody else notice the 3 spoke steering wheel? Weren't Olds sport wheels 4 spoke, if I'm not mistaken?

    He only says it's a "parade" car, just not what parade!

    STAGE III Lost Experimental 455-4 Bolt Main Block.

    Hi Brad,

    If I remember correctly the 4 spoke wheel came out in the 1970's.

    The H/O cars came standard with a straight horn barn similar to the ones in a 72 Skylark.

    There was an optional package (which mine had) that was 3 "spokes" but it looks like his is like the rallye wheel in our GS's. The correct wheel did not have the exposed stainless spokes and had a much thicker horn button.

    I went back to the ad and followed his link on the NAPA price guide he used and he used ALL THREE engine options from W30 through W32 to get his "value" up to 64 thousand!!!!

    The real number (IF this was a real Hurst that is) according to the Napa guide was in the mid 30's when you factored H/O package on a Cutlass S convertible with a/c.

    Needless to say if the car WAS "one of 3" that price guide would be down the toilet and ithe car would be valued in the hundreds of thousands as one of three with correct documentation.

    Good eyes Brad, that one slipped past me with all his tiny pictures
  17. IDOXLR8

    IDOXLR8 Senior Member

    The only sport wheel I'm aware of in that year and was color to match three spoke with wood grain in the insert around the three long horn buttons, AL.
  18. bladerunner

    bladerunner Well-Known Member

    No Silicone in those babies

    You beat me to the camel toe comment, but nice rack for back when there was no such thing as a boob job.

    OK enough already :TU:
  19. IDOXLR8

    IDOXLR8 Senior Member


    Found one other clone alert!! Note the front wheel houses, there black and 442 had red plastic ones from the factory, AL.

    STAGE III Lost Experimental 455-4 Bolt Main Block.


    Yes, that is the optional Custom Sport wheel (think that was the name) the standard one is pictuired below

    4 spokers were avail 1970-77

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