68 GS CA Drum Brake Question

Discussion in 'The whoa and the sway.' started by AZ-69 Skylark, Mar 8, 2012.

  1. AZ-69 Skylark

    AZ-69 Skylark Well-Known Member

    My long dormant 1968 GS CA is in the shop for work or I'd check myself.

    I need to order parts for my drum brakes front and rear. Would a GS CA have come with 9.5 x 2.5 shoes?
    From searching I keep seeing either 9" brakes or 9.5" (x 2.5") brakes. Any help would be appreciated. :pray: Thanks in advance.
  2. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    They should be 9 1/2's on an intermerdiate body
  3. urbancowboy0307

    urbancowboy0307 Silver Level contributor

    Aren't the front drums/shoes slightly larger/different than the rears as well?
  4. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    Th fronts should be wider that the rears.
  5. AZ-69 Skylark

    AZ-69 Skylark Well-Known Member

    Thank you both very much.
  6. urbancowboy0307

    urbancowboy0307 Silver Level contributor

    Glad I could help :) i'm also looking into aluminum drums for my 67 and had read somewhere they where different sizes, but I didn't want to post it as fact in case I was wrong. Oh the wonders of answering a question with another question. :TU:
  7. AZ-69 Skylark

    AZ-69 Skylark Well-Known Member

    Here is what I have seen for break pad sizes.
    9.5 x 2.5
    9.5 x 2.0
    and 9 x 2.0
    When I get my car back I'll measure and post the answer here as I found nothing from searching the forum.

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