67 Radiator and fan questions

Discussion in 'Buick FAQ' started by CTX-SLPR, Aug 30, 2004.


    CTX-SLPR Modern Technology User


    Not sure at all where to put this so I'll just stick it here. Is the radiator for the 67 GS400 a one year only rad since looking at the www.becool.com listings for rads they have the 68 as being significantly wider. What this question is bent towards is I need to cool the turbo motor going into my 67 Skylark and I want to use the absolutely biggest rad that I can, hence I would like to use the 6" wider 68-72 one but I don't know if you can do core support surgery to make it fit or not. Also since it is a turbo motor I will be running electric fans, anyone know of a good junkyard donor vehicle for a pair of fans that will fit on the 68-72 rad? I was thinking 9C1 Caprices or copcar Crown Vic's had some sort of monster fan that would work well in a pair. Anyway, any help is appreciated.

  2. staged67gspwr

    staged67gspwr "The Black Widow"

    68-72 Radiators are wider than 64-67`s because the frame on those widen when they reach the rad. support wheres on the 64-67 they just go straight,you should be able to keep cool with an Aluminum radiator and you dont need to chop up anything to put in a wider radiator.


    CTX-SLPR Modern Technology User

    One of the reasons I'm looking for such big area is that I will have 2 intercoolers, an AC condensor, and then the radiator so there will be a fare bit of stuff in front of it.

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