63 riv hood clearance

Discussion in 'A boatload of fun' started by Zuk33, Nov 14, 2013.

  1. Zuk33

    Zuk33 Member

    Wondering how much hood clearance a factory 63 riv has from filter to hood, unfortunately i've already pulled my engine so I cant measure myself, wondering if I have any room for a nitrous plate or if I am pretty well maxed out as is. Car is a 401 factory square bore single carb.

    Thank you,
  2. Bad Boattail

    Bad Boattail Guest

    Ryan, here in the Netherlands a lot of American cars are converted to drive on LPG (liquid propane).
    I know about a few first generation Rivieras with the LPG mixer mounted directly on top of the original carburettor.
    So a much smaller nitrous plate will fit without a problem :TU:
  3. Zuk33

    Zuk33 Member

    Great news! Thank you for the info, looks like the riviera will have a little more power after all.

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