61 Carrier Bearing Maintanence

Discussion in 'A boatload of fun' started by CTX-SLPR, Nov 14, 2005.


    CTX-SLPR Modern Technology User


    Does anyone still carry the grease gun adapters to lube the CV joint and carrier bearing in the X-frame cars? My chassic manual is showing Alemite #327045 and #326375 for the fittings that reach through holes in the frame tunnel and get to the grease point. Also for ya'll in the know, how do you tell if you have a saginaw or a spicer CV joint in there?

  2. SpecialWagon65

    SpecialWagon65 Ted Nagel

    I bought one from the local "good" parts store. they had them hanging on the wall behind the counter at Savage.

  3. lapham3@aol.com

    lapham3@aol.com Well-Known Member

    I'm into the '65-7 big cars, so there might be some differences, but the 2 part numbers sound familiar. I use the rubber needle adapter for both on mine-I think they're still out there. There is a plug to unscrew for the bearing and check balls for the CV. These often are ignored over the years and get no grease/maint. The first time I've been known to pull the whole shaft as it is easy on my stuff, evaluate everything- hit the CV checks with PB Blaster to clean and free things up-and then easy to grease out of the car. After that-maint in the car. You may also find that vehicle lifting from the frame will misalign the frame holes-good luck

    CTX-SLPR Modern Technology User

    yanking the shaft for inspection doesn't sound like a bad idea. Pulling a tranny yoke and pinion yoke isn't very hard. How hard is it to get the bearing out of the middle and get the whole shaft out? Best direction to pull it?


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