50 years ago today...

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by John Codman, Nov 21, 2010.

  1. John Codman

    John Codman Platinum Level Contributor

    ...At about 2 PM I passed my driver's test at the Brighton (MA) Registry of Motor Vehicles in my mother's 11 year-old '49 Plymouth. This was one of the great days of my young life - for a few hours. Approximately 10 hours later, in an unrelated event, my friend Carl Weisenbach, his brother Fred, Carl Ciesluk, and John Kilman - all of Wellesley MA ,were killed when the '59 Buick convertible in which they were passengers, hit a tree in Dedham MA at about 95 mph. Two others were injured. My cousin Hank had been asked to go with the gang, but his mom decided that it was a bad idea and would not allow him to go. And yes, alcohol was definately involved. Some things you never forget.
  2. bhambulldog

    bhambulldog 1955 76-RoadmasterRiviera


    Never forget, indeed.

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