455 into 75 regal

Discussion in 'V-8 Buick Powered Regals' started by rastaregal, Sep 3, 2005.

  1. rastaregal

    rastaregal New Member

    hey, i was just wondering if a 455 out of a 76 buick electra would bolt right into my buick, what would i need to change in my car. and how easy is it to find parts for a buick 455 versus a buick 350. i just recently had somethign go wrong on my motor and i have wanted to do a swap so i figure i will give this a try. any help would be greatly appreciated!

    MR.BUICK Guest

    I don't know about you, but buick 455's are much more popular around here than buick 350's.

    MR.BUICK Guest

    Forgot to add:I think buick 455's are just as easy or easier to get parts for vs a 350 buick.
  4. rastaregal

    rastaregal New Member

    so would it bolt right in, and thats that, or am i going to have to modify my suspension right away and all that fun stuff.
  5. flynbuick

    flynbuick Guest

    I doubt that it will-- motor mount changes, fuel line routing etc. Having said that many have made similar transplants that are on this Board.

    MR.BUICK Guest

    You would have to change motor mounts, all new hoses for the 455, new belts, and all that "fun stuff", lol! Since you already have the 350, why not take it out and get it totally rebuilt and throw some mods on it, as it would be much easier than putting a 455 in there. If you are going after an easy process, then keep the 350, but if you want to go the extra few miles and do a 455, there will be lots of work involved.

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