401 Carter Carb Question

Discussion in 'The Mixing shop.' started by milo4510, Jan 12, 2012.

  1. milo4510

    milo4510 Well-Known Member

    I have a 1966 Wildcat coupe with a 1965 401 and TH400 in it, reman Carter carb on it currently. I want to replace it and found a 1964 reman Carter for a 401 Buick. Are they the same carb? Will the 1965 kickdown assembly work using the 64 carb linkage?
  2. Bigpig455

    Bigpig455 Fastest of the slow....

    It should, but make sure you have the right end plate configuration on the replacement carb with the stud for the switch arm...it's kind of an L shaped deal, I think I can attach a picture of the same plate/linkage on my quadrajet. You can adjust the throw of the arm on the switch to give you full range of motion, and most arm ends where they mate with the linkage stud are the same kinda loop configuration....shoudnt be a big deal with adjustment.

    Attached Files:

  3. wkillgs

    wkillgs Gold Level Contributor

    The 1964 didn't have the switch-pitch transmission, so the linkage on the carb is different than the 65-66 carbs.

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