364 rods in a 401?

Discussion in ''Da Nailhead' started by sixtysixgs, Dec 15, 2003.

  1. sixtysixgs

    sixtysixgs Member

    I read someplace that you can strock a 401 by using 364 rods, Is this a simple bolt in and go? What is going to be the advantages to doing this? Are the numbers going to look that much better? Has anyone here tried this themselves? What else did you do to your engine besides the rods ie. intake, carb. exhaust? I'm tossing around the idea of the 401 into my '40 instead of the 455 but want to see if the 401 can perform with simple mods. Thanks.

  2. dryskip

    dryskip Mid-life Crisis Victim

  3. DaFraz

    DaFraz 1960 Buick Fanatic

    I asked the same question a few months ago. Go look back a page or 2 and you should find it. Good info in there.

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