2024 BSA Info:

Discussion in 'GSCA events' started by pbr400, Jan 5, 2024.

  1. Briz

    Briz Founders Club Member

    Hey, If they let me in with the Wildcat and then the RaSabre the last couple of years you should have no problem passing tech.
  2. pbr400

    pbr400 68GS400

    We have one month to the Nats!!
    This is your call to ask any questions (after reading the long list of rules that starts the thread).
    This is your call to read the posts about qualifying and displaying your car for peer inspection.
    This is your call to check (or get your wife to check) facebook for the layout and show parking.
    This is your call to mount those stock looking parts.
    This is your call to safety check, tune, polish or just dust off that stock appearing Buick and get ready to run.
    This is you call to help out if you want!

    Starc and I will have help this year from an old friend Nick Sloop, who will be herding all you cats. By Friday, hopefully during the car show, we need to gather everyone’s contact info so that we can build a text circle (like last year, but maybe better) so everyone’s up to speed (pun intended).

    We have sponsorship from long time quality parts vendor CARS (like last year; gift certificates for nice parts, paying from Winner all the way to 16th!)
    We have money from John Csordas Jr.
    We have Jim Rodgers’ awesome prize fighter’s belt for the winner.
    We likely will have cash from last year’s sponsors (update coming)…
    We will have cash from anonymous racers.
    We likely will have cash from named racers.

    If you wish to contribute, publicly or anonymously, either post here or contact me or Starc (on here via PM or use our phone numbers, posted at the start of this thread).

    Now is the time to say ‘I’m in!’


    (I’m in!)
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2024
    philip roitman likes this.
  3. Starc Traxler

    Starc Traxler Well-Known Member

    I’m in!
    pbr400 likes this.
  4. DauntlessSB92

    DauntlessSB92 Addicted to Buick

    I'm in!
    pbr400 likes this.
  5. philip roitman

    philip roitman Well-Known Member

    I am in!
    pbr400 likes this.
  6. David Hemker

    David Hemker Well-Known Member

    I plan on being in.
    pbr400 likes this.
  7. Roberta

    Roberta Buick Berta

    i'm in!
    pbr400 likes this.
  8. Starc Traxler

    Starc Traxler Well-Known Member

    Jim Rodgers is in
    Randy Hollister is in
    Gary Laughlin is in
    Bryan&PhyllisW and pbr400 like this.
  9. wildcat4

    wildcat4 Well-Known Member

    I’m in. Be there Tuesday night.
    pbr400 likes this.
  10. pbr400

    pbr400 68GS400

    Good afternoon BSA people!
    I have a sponsorship update:

    In addition to the goodies above, we now have $600 in cash. 200 is from Starc, 200 from me, and 200 from an anonymous benefactor.

    Bryan&PhyllisW and wildcat4 like this.
  11. wildcat4

    wildcat4 Well-Known Member

    And where do we go to look on Facebook?
  12. pbr400

    pbr400 68GS400

    Search ‘GS Nationals’ and it pops up.
  13. pbr400

    pbr400 68GS400

    Update: We have another $100 thrown in the pot by Bryan Woodworth!
    Thanks Bryan!!

    12.0 wagon and Starc Traxler like this.
  14. pbr400

    pbr400 68GS400

    Friday’s second update:
    I spoke to John Csordas, and he’s chipping in a minimum of $300, hopefully more, depending upon what comes his way.
    That brings our cash to an even grand.
    We hope to announce more (cash or prizes) between now and then.

    John’s working hard to ‘pay it back’ as sponsors and contributions come in. We can help him by buying his T shirts; he fronted the money and will put any profit from them into the race payouts. See FB for his shirt images; they’re seperate from the ‘official’ event shirt.

    Another way we can help him is the car display and show. He has rounded up goody bags for the daily display participants, which our cars need to be on Friday for both display and peer tech. (Display cars don’t pay but participation looks good).

    He also has some really nice trophies and valuable prizes for Friday’s car show entrants. There will be multiple categories. So far he has Top 25 PLUS two dozen more, so people who pay to enter their cars in the show will have ample opportunity to win, including a raffle (or waffle). Buying into that helps John. If you want a chance to win trophies and big prizes, buy a show ticket and enter you car Friday (and we’ll sort out the BSA display versus paid show cars sometime before Friday’s show.)

    That’s it for now!

    See y’all soon!

    wildcat4 and Starc Traxler like this.
  15. Skyhawk

    Skyhawk Well-Known Member

    Thank you Patrick.
    Myself and some others are really trying to make this year very special with all the extras.
    I also want to make the racing part above and beyond anyway possible. I love the BSA group of racers and all the racers that attend but definitely trying to make payouts as much as we can.
    Can't thank the sponsors enough.
    And yes whatever profit from the shirts and the Wednesday rental goes into the event for racers, payouts, car show and the extra hours of racing that were added.
    Thank you all for supporting and let's have a great 4 days.
    Pray to the sunshine gods.
    John jr
  16. pbr400

    pbr400 68GS400

    Rob Holmes kicked in a hundred (Thanks Rob!!) so now we $1100 in cash, minimum!

    Starc Traxler likes this.
  17. Nicholas Sloop

    Nicholas Sloop '08 GS Nats BSA runner up

    Holy cow!!! Some of you "old timers" may know me from BSA years past... It's been about a decade since I last showed up/raced... Despite "setbacks," both with the car and physically, my best friend has talked me into flying, renting a car, and "showing up" this year. (I guess I can't shirk Patrick's request for my "assistance..." LOL!) Perhaps deservedly feeling like an "old fart," (I first went to BG in 1984...) I have rented an "old fart" golf cart, and will assist Patrick and Stark to the best of my ability....
    (While I must deny having been an anonymous donor for many years, ,with a car or not, BSA is, to me, the "essence" of why I bought a Buick in 1983... )
    Waterboy, Starc Traxler and pbr400 like this.
  18. Nicholas Sloop

    Nicholas Sloop '08 GS Nats BSA runner up

    ...while I may or may not have first contributed to BSA when I was still a contestant, it seemed only "ethical" to withhold that I might be "racing for my own money." Today, I may or may not be a financial supporter, but if I might be, I don't want my name in the X-tra, Facebook, etc... But I wholeheartedly support the class that still represents, in 2024, why I bought a Buick 40 years ago...
    Waterboy, Starc Traxler and pbr400 like this.
  19. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    I’m in. You have my number.
    pbr400 and Starc Traxler like this.
  20. pbr400

    pbr400 68GS400

    Got another hundo! Thanks anonymous!
    $1200 in cash, plus the belt and gift certificates…

    Starc Traxler and Bryan&PhyllisW like this.

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