2.56 to a 3.42...... Questions

Discussion in 'Got gears?' started by blunozcruiser, Aug 1, 2015.

  1. blunozcruiser

    blunozcruiser Well-Known Member

    Long discussion and a lot of help on another thread talking about engine upgrades, tranny, & rear end choices for my '68 Lark 350-2. The result of which is looking at changing up from a 2.56 to a 3.42 .

    I'll be getting this done at a shop but just have a few questions:

    1) Will I have to change out my axle gears?

    2) Would you change Oil Seals and bearings since everything is apart?

    3) Any recommended sources for parts?

    4) advice??

    Thanks All!!

  2. BrianTrick

    BrianTrick Brian Trick

    Any time you decide to change gears,or otherwise work on an original,unmolested rear,just do it right and replace all bearings & seals.Do a full rebuild.
  3. blunozcruiser

    blunozcruiser Well-Known Member

    Yeah that was my thought as well. It's apart so why not freshen everything. Just wanted to hear some validation I guess.

  4. blunozcruiser

    blunozcruiser Well-Known Member

    Going to add a question ......

    4) Would it be worth while to locate a set of F41 Bars and install them? Not planning on going crazy with the 350 but....... I see in my manual that these were stock for GS350 & GS400. Thoughts?
  5. hdpegscraper

    hdpegscraper Well-Known Member

  6. blunozcruiser

    blunozcruiser Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the link to the thread! Yeah I figured it would be better than nothing. Any extra help transferring torque to the body I guess is a good thing. Think I have a line on a set. One of the cheaper buys for the upgrades I want! LOL

    THANKS again!

  7. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    Think you meant speedometer gears, and yes, if you want the speedometer to read correctly. Put "speedometer gears" in the search function. It has been discussed many times here.
  8. blunozcruiser

    blunozcruiser Well-Known Member

    Thanks Larry! That had slipped my mind.

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