1970-72 Dash Pad with that Darn Dreadful BEND

Discussion in 'Interior City' started by Postsedan, Mar 6, 2011.

  1. Postsedan

    Postsedan 13427 L78

    Has anyone ever attempted to repair these 1970-72 dash pads that always seem to have this BEND/Curve to them. Must be a poor design, sun or high heat?

    I have seen a lot worse than this one, but it just drives me nuts.:rant:



  2. GStage1

    GStage1 Always looking for parts!

    Typical warpage....leave it be....if you try to straighten it...you will break the vinyl
  3. BadBrad

    BadBrad Got 4-speed?

    I'm just amazed that after 40+ years these things have held up so well.
  4. staged70

    staged70 RIP

    How about the careful application of heat Then reverse the pressure by placing something on the warpage to straighten it out. I have a plan to try it on a AC pad I have
  5. Briz

    Briz Founders Club Member

    Thats what I would do^^^ Maybe use hot water or steam.
  6. storie585

    storie585 Well-Known Member

    i wouldn't mess with it....
  7. copperheadgs1

    copperheadgs1 copperheadgs1

    You can fix it. I have done it. Try this it works. Place the dash across two milk crates upside down with the warped part in the opening between the two crates. Put a small sqaure halogen lamp underneath it. The kind with the small bar under it and the cage over it. Plug it in so it points up towards the dash and put some small weights on it. I used 2-5 lb circular metal weights. Make sure there are a few inches of clearance. Watch it closely and you can see it move. Never walk away from it for even a second. It may take several tries. I keep touching the bottom to make sure I do not burn it. Use your judgement. If it gets too hot move it from the heat quick. I have fixed several this way. If you really need a picture I can try to set something up. This may take several attemps. Keep trying and removing it. The more attempts and quicker you do it the better it will work. Please do not blame me if you burn it. That is why I keep touchng it to check it.
  8. copperheadgs1

    copperheadgs1 copperheadgs1

    Also the nice thing about the heat is it softens the vinyl lessening the chance it will crack.
  9. staged70

    staged70 RIP

    I was thinking of a more indirect kind of heat to try to reverse engineer the droop. Think it did not happen all at once so I bet you can slowly add heat and get it to move.Steam might be a consideration. Anyway if I get it to work I will post pics of what I did
  10. copperheadgs1

    copperheadgs1 copperheadgs1

    John. The halogen is quick and easy. No real long term stress.
  11. copperheadgs1

    copperheadgs1 copperheadgs1

    Steam may also infiltrate the polyurethane inards and cause mold.
  12. staged70

    staged70 RIP

    I will try that too, but I thought a slow process might be the best since it took 40 years to make it droop. I saw a NOS one on ebay about 3 or 4 years ago and it was droopy was well.
    Not to dig these things out. and try it
  13. justalark

    justalark Silver Level contributor

    Wife's hair dryer into action.
  14. copperheadgs1

    copperheadgs1 copperheadgs1

    Hair dryer does not get hot like the Halogen. I fixed a dash that got left in a hot car bought at the GS nationals. It warped in an afternoon. They can warp just sitting out of a car for years. Best to fix it and get it right in car.
  15. dynaflow

    dynaflow shiftless...

    ...and after you fix it, you might want to put one of those dash cover "rugs" on it when you leave it out in the sun...:)
  16. Postsedan

    Postsedan 13427 L78

    All great comments, thanks! :gp:

    BUQUICK I'm your huckleberry.

    hmmm.. looks like a non-A/C sedan dash pad, not exactly easy to find. Dan let us know if you are able to "fix it" because we've probably all got one laying around with that type of sag.

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