1966 Special

Discussion in 'The whoa and the sway.' started by goodguy34, Sep 15, 2005.

  1. goodguy34

    goodguy34 Buickaholic

    This thing got just a LITTLE squirrly on me today.I was going home on I-71 in Cleveland when this kid in a Murano SUV flew by me trying to get me to do something stupid which of course i did :Brow: I stood on that little 300 and blew past his sorry you know what at about 110 or so. :eek2: I have to say i knew this car was light-i weighed it at a scale downtown and it came in at 3220 lbs.At high speed it felt really light especially in the ass.I plan on putting a 455 in in the spring and wondered a few things.How can i get it to hook better and get rid of the sway?I swear this thing really scared the bejeezus out of me today-it normally steers great,doesn't rattle or vibrate but it felt like it was gonna come off the ground today.Any tips on suspension upgrades,etc and what springs should i go with when the BB goes in?

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