102 and falling....finally

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by 69GS400s, Nov 19, 2004.

  1. 69GS400s

    69GS400s ...my own amusement ride!

    What a fun couple of days .... :rolleyes:

    Started out innocently enough with a tooth ache last weekend that I kinda ignored ...and ignored until it was just Sooo painful I couldn't see straight or think straight (and I have a pretty high tolerence for pain). So a trip to the Dentist shows a pretty good infection in the bone under one of my remaining bottom wisdom teeth. No Biggie there - he had the tooth out in short order

    .....But the infection has been kickin' my :moonu: The Fever peaked at just over 102 deg. last night ... Migrain-like head ache nonstop and hot sweats and cold shakes like I've never experienced before, pulse up 95 resting (usually 60) and BP higher than normal. Im finally down to just under 100 deg. and my pulse is nearing normal too but this certainly hasn't been a fun couple of days

    All from ignoring a Freakin' Tooth Ache for a few days too many !! Both my Wife (who's a nurse) and the Dentist said If I had waited another day I would have been in the hospital :Dou:

    Please.....Listen to your Body - when it tells you something is wrong dont ignore it - I've learned my leason
  2. Dana/Beth Andrews

    Dana/Beth Andrews Huc accedit zambonis!

    :eek2: Yikes Alan,
    I have been wondering where you have been.
    I swear you men are all alike, Dana does the same thing. :spank:
    Did the dentist give you anything for the infection?
    Drinks lots of liquids, crawl under the blankets & go back to bed.
    Feel better soon buddy. :TU:

    Beth :grin:
  3. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

    I ignore my body but it keeps reminding me how old I'm getting.

    Glad you're up and around, big boy.
  4. 72GSX

    72GSX Well-Known Member

    My sister almost lost the use of her jaw because she waited to long to get tooth looked at, the infection had moved into the joint in her jaw, and she had to go through some very painfull therapy to get so she could open her mouth and chew again. I also used to get terrible sinus infections all the time, turns out it was from a dead upper wisdom tooth that the infection would start from. I finally went to a good oral surgen and told him to just put me out and get ride of all the wisdom teeth I had left, have never had a bad sinus infection since. Tom
  5. Tufbuick

    Tufbuick Guest

    Alan, while this terrible experience is still fresh in your mind......plan ahead. Go back to the dentist and have him pull them all out, then you'll never have to suffer again !!!!!! :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:
  6. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    Free Dental!

    Hey Curley :laugh: ,
    Moe and I will gladly pull the rest of your teeth for free :Brow: All we need is some strong string and the 2 GS's. We can do 2 at a time, it'll be over before you know it :laugh: :3gears: :3gears:
  7. Dana/Beth Andrews

    Dana/Beth Andrews Huc accedit zambonis!

    I can see it now.

    Beth :laugh:

    Attached Files:

  8. 69GS400s

    69GS400s ...my own amusement ride!

    :rolleyes: Everyone's a comedian

    Im much better now..... Never would have believed a bad tooth could have sent me for such a ride though
  9. Dana/Beth Andrews

    Dana/Beth Andrews Huc accedit zambonis!

    Glad you are feeling better Alan.

  10. Harold Rolls

    Harold Rolls Well-Known Member

    Tooth Doctors (?)

    :grin: :grin: Be careful Al. I let one of them guys take out my WISDOM teeth, and look at me now. :grin: :grin:
  11. 69GS400s

    69GS400s ...my own amusement ride!

    Thats pretty funny Harold :laugh: ....considering I've only got one wisdom toooff left. Guess I'll be plain ole STOOPEEED once they pull that one :puzzled:

    I must be better - Im back at work :rolleyes:

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