#1 cyl and crank measurements

Discussion in 'Street/strip 400/430/455' started by rtanner, Apr 11, 2015.

  1. rtanner

    rtanner Well-Known Member

    Hey guys 455 which cyl is #1 driver or passenger front? What main and rod journal dimensions fior standard crank? I gotta mike mine thanks?
  2. BogusSVO

    BogusSVO Active Member

    Rod std shaft dia is 2.2490-2.250
    Main std shaft dia 3.2495-3.250
  3. rkammer

    rkammer Gold Level Contributor

    #1 cylinder is front cylinder on the driver's side. Odd numbers on driver's side, even numbers on passenger side. Firing order is 1-8-4-3-6-5-7-2 :TU:
  4. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    One head is always mounted ahead of the other head in a V-8 engine. The #1 cylinder is always the farthest forward cylinder. On the 350 and 455's, it is the driver's side front. The cylinders are numbered according to their attachment to the crank front to rear.
  5. 1973gs

    1973gs Well-Known Member

    That's what I always thought.In a Pontiac, 1,3,5,7 is still on the left, but the right head is farther forward.
  6. rtanner

    rtanner Well-Known Member

    Guys thanks again!!! I've got a lot of exp w Pontiacs fords and Chevys, 0 w a Buick, I know these seem like really basic questions, but it's info I just don't know, and once I get these basics down I'm going to be wide open, thanks!!! If I can ever figure out how to add pics and videos to a post I'll share my build!!!
  7. Bad Boattail

    Bad Boattail Guest

    Not always..... :Smarty:


    I prefer this image that I created the other day.
    After all, we are an international board :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:


    Not so long ago, a very wise man said this:
  8. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    That is very strange. That would mean that the #1 cylinder is actually the second one connected to the crank:confused:
  9. Schurkey

    Schurkey Silver Level contributor

    ...and creates no end of problems when lazy machinists install the pistons backwards on the connecting rods due to the non-typical numbering vs. geometry of the Pontiac engine.
  10. rtanner

    rtanner Well-Known Member

    OMG, i can tell you stories, stamp the pistons stamp the rods, come back 2 weeks later, backwards just like a sbc, this happened at every shop i ever tried thru the years, forced me to start buying new rods and pistons that float so i could do it myself,
  11. BogusSVO

    BogusSVO Active Member

    An easy fix for that issue is a simple dot punch on the front beam of the rod before the old pistons are pressed off.

    Takes what? a total of 3 mins, and that includes the time to pick up a hammer and find a center punch.

    Just attention to detail.

    But saves frustration on the customer, and cost to the shop as far as labor to R&R the pistons again, and the cost of a set of pistons.

    Personally, I do not trust press fit pistons that have been pressed off. They can distort, crack or bust.

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