GS Nationals Dying

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by W Emmott, Oct 25, 2011.

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  1. sriley531

    sriley531 Excommunicado

    Re: GS Nationals dieing

    Vouchers are only as good as the people issuing them. I cant speak personaly for the GS Nats, and will go the first opportunity I get, but as far as vouchers: they arent worth sh*t unless people stand behind them.

    And yeah, Im a BPG member. But Ive never been to BG so I cant speak from experience on that or the GSCA and Im not opposed, I just havent gotten the opportunity to join yet (although hopefully next year I will). But I will say I'm damn proud of MY club (the BPG, because they do make members feel like they are a part of it whether theyve been members for one year or ten) and I hope the GSCA can do the same. Because as a younger member of the Buick community (28), I can say that they (the BPG) made me feel as though I was an old friend of many years when I attended and joined, and thats how it should be with us!!!:TU:

    Long live Buick performance. long live us!! :3gears:

    BUQUICK I'm your huckleberry.

    Re: GS Nationals dieing

    I stopped preregistering because if you register months in advance, the registration flat-fee is $30, but if you register at the gate at the GS Nats it's only $20 extra ($50 flat fee). Well 2 or 3 months in advance I have no real idea if something might come up, or if there will be a flood (like 2010), or if the weather forecast might call for rain on the race day (Saturday), or if my old Buick will still be hangin' together when the Nationals comes up. So I look at the extra $20 registration fee as cheap insurance to avoid spending a bunch of money that is wasted.

    Here's my favorite Bennett story: at the registration booth a friend walked up and gave his name in order to pick up his registration packet, Bennett looked at him and said "You're not a name, you're a number" which made us all laugh because we have always felt that Bennett really does think of the participants that way.

    With all that said, I've been to the GS Nats 23 times and I've always had a blast. Some years I've entered the car show, some years I've raced, and some years I gone as a spectator (when the old Buick wasn't hangin' together) but I've always had a great time and always been satisfied that I got my moneys worth for entertainment and fun. I'll go as long as the event exists, primarily to see old friends and make new ones.
  3. Steve Reynolds

    Steve Reynolds SRE Inc

    Re: GS Nationals dieing

    I heard that Bennett owns the Nat's but I wasn't sure. I like going to the Norwalk and BPG events too, but Beech Bend has the history and the most comfortable & picturesque facilities of any racetrack I've ever been to. I just hate to see it die along with all of the history involved! (Especially caused by just a few individuals!)

    Yes, I guess I'm very curious as to where all the money goes. I don't mind someone making money off an event such as this as I understand "business is business", but I think someone is sucking it dry!

    I'm not sure what the answer is. Just thought I could offer to help change it.
  4. motorman

    motorman Well-Known Member

  5. gsxnut

    gsxnut Well-Known Member

    Re: GS Nationals dieing

    Is anyone on the board close enough to the GSCA or GS Nationals to provide information on if the two are separate corporate entities?

    I thought the two are owned and operated by two separate entities but I am not close enough to either to know.

    Can anyone help?

  6. David Hemker

    David Hemker Well-Known Member

    Re: GS Nationals dieing

    Are the GS Nationals dieing or evolving?

    Life is constantly changing, all events go through a life cycle of constantly changing. I have seen other race & show events expand and contract in attendance. We are born an infant, learn, go through adolescence, adult hood, age and eventually kick the bucket. We go through good and bad experiences in life, hopefully learn from mistakes and move on.

    In 1990 I attended my 1st GS Nationals and have not missed one since. I rode with some friends in 1990 and have had my own car there since 1991. That's 22 years worth of attending the Nationals, meeting new people, catching up with friends I see only at the Nationals, race and if I cut a good light, I win once in a while. I have experienced extreme cold, rain & hot in the spring, hot in the summer along with hot & cold in the fall. I have had good experiences and bad. I have seen and experienced some things I do not agree with, voiced my opinion to the powers that be and moved on.

    I have seen the event grow to where all 6 of the lanes were FULL to the end of the fences and have seen it contract to where it is today. I keep attending because I like to visit with my long distance friends and will continue to attend as long as I am still having fun.
  7. buicksstage1

    buicksstage1 Well-Known Member

    Re: GS Nationals dieing

    Hi Shawn. I asked this question when I was a paid BPG member and never really got a answer. Who is the owner/owners of the BPG club? Chris
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2011
  8. lostGS

    lostGS Well-Known Member

    Re: GS Nationals dieing

    Well I think that the petty bickering has to stop and behave like adults.( don't know how dults behave) I do believe that Mark( GSXNUT) has a point where the GS nationals may have reached its point. With the newest GS being 1975. even the turbo cars are 1987. In 1983 when I attended the GS Nationals it was one of the best times of my life. As a teenager it was great. Attending a dedicated Buick GS meeting. My heart has been Buick since I started to drive, but reality of marriage forced me out of ownership for many years. Now I have one again and love it ( rusty panels and all).
    I am just wondering how much the new GTO (2004-2006) affected the GTOAA. How much did the turbo Regals affect the GSCA when they hit the streets? The GTO like the GS is aging. Yet Pontiac brought back the GTO and infused the enthusiasm in the younger performance person. Maybe the new Regal just may do the same. Time will tell.

    It looks like the GSCA has Bennet running things. Sounds like what happened to one of the car audio compititon organizations. They hired the rayburn group to run the assoc. yeah they ran it into the ground. IASCA was one of the premier assoc around until that time. Members need to let Richard know that Bennet is running the GSCA into the ground and needs to get ride of him. Before it happens. I have seen guys like Bennet they con an organization into trusting him with running an event, ETC. Then one day the event is in the crapper and Bennet is laughing from a lounge chair sipping mi ties in the Caribbean.

  9. Brad Conley

    Brad Conley RIP Staff Member

    Re: GS Nationals dieing


    The BPG is a 501c4 tax exempt corporation owned by the members of the BPG. If you are a member, you are an owner too.
  10. buicksstage1

    buicksstage1 Well-Known Member

    Re: GS Nationals dieing

    Thank you for clearing that up Brad, so all members have equal membership? Chris
  11. Brad Conley

    Brad Conley RIP Staff Member

    Re: GS Nationals dieing

    Yes. Some have paid for longer time periods than others and still others have paid for a lifetime membership. Everyone has 1 vote.
  12. 69GS400s

    69GS400s own amusement ride!

    Re: GS Nationals dieing

    Mark - in a normal world, they (Richard or Bennett) would read your post and possibly reply. It seems to be permissible for them to not own a computer, or own one and not know how to use it ... or to own one, know how to use it yet choose to be quite possibly the last two individuals in the universe to not be accessible online and able to converse this way (even on their own website).

    ... My mom who is 82, reads and answers her Email every day :Dou: :rolleyes:

    As to the "how" or "Why" the ownership(s) are setup I have no answer - as to the factuality of it - it was public record when the information was found and made public several years ago


    I think Everyone agrees that being at BeachBend and spending time with your Buick Buddies is a good time that no one wants to see end. Despite what Mr. Rogers may think or try and portray, There are no bad guys here with secret agenda's. What there are - are alot of people over the years who have become disenchanted with the quality of product the owners of these businesses are selling, the means of communication they limit themselves to, and the resolution (or lack thereof) of situations that arise.

    The BPG was founded by quite a few highly regarded long-time members of the GSCA to address these issues as they stacked up year after year without adequate resolution. First and foremost are accountability and accessability.

    Truth be told, I was planning on driving my SportWagon down to BG this year as this year is its "Coming Out" celebration from a 28 year nap ... I only cancelled my plans when 2 weeks before, I found out my house renovation project was running about 40% over budget. I had wholeheartedly planned on meeting Jim R. and shaking his hand, sharing a :beers2: or two and having a nice civilzed discussion. I sincerely do hope this can take place someday in the future.
  13. cjp69

    cjp69 Gold Level Contributor

    Re: GS Nationals dieing

    Company: GS Nationals, Inc. (Owner of the Bowling Green event)
    Control#: K016433 Georgia State Domestic For Profit Corporation
    Entity Date: 8/30/1990
    Annual Renewal: February 10th

    Registering Agent: Augustus B. Jones III,

    CEO: A. Bennett Jones, IV,
    CFO: Same as CEO
    Secretary: Augustus B. Jones, III, same address

    Bennett Jones, 229.263.8167,
  14. bostongsx

    bostongsx Platinum Level Contributor

    Re: GS Nationals dieing

    Chris is there anything you cant find!:laugh:
  15. sriley531

    sriley531 Excommunicado

    Re: GS Nationals dieing

    Not if its Buick related.....:Do No:
  16. cjp69

    cjp69 Gold Level Contributor

    Re: GS Nationals dieing

    Lots of things, for example I can't find a 70 stage 1 convertible 4 speed for sale for cheap for me to buy. :rant: :laugh:
  17. justalark

    justalark Silver Level contributor

    Re: GS Nationals dieing

    I've been going on & off since the 80's. This year the races, show cars and attendance looked kind of sad to me.
    In the past I had a personal run-in with one of the club's officers and I'm curious if it was Bennett Jones. Is he a tall skinny white haired guy? If that's him, I ran into him again this year trying to buy a t-shirt (they sold out on Thurs!!!) said hello and got a frown in return. If it was him he needs to acquire some manners, and business sense. :Do No:
  18. Thumper (aka greatscat)

    Thumper (aka greatscat) Well-Known Member

    Re: GS Nationals dieing

    Like I said in my post "the personality of a 54 Buick trunk lid"
  19. Buizila

    Buizila GO BROWNS !!!!!!

    Re: GS Nationals dieing

    Well all as I can say is that something is going on with this event for sure. My bro-inlaw had a chat with Richard on the Saturday of about the attendance. Richard told him "Something is gona have to change soon because I'm losing money having this event ever year. Might have to go with a BOP Nationals in the near future to survive." Not to sure how he is losing money. Maybe he just isn't making as much as he is use to. I for one am for a BOP Natinal event. There could be some positives from this:
    1) more crowds
    2) more cars
    3) more vendors
    4) the night scene might come back
    plus it would be fun running against other makes and modules IMOP. Not to sure how he would be able to schedule it since Oldsmobile and Pontiac have their big events during the year.

    It is sad to see us getting upset and lashing out with one another over this. It's obviously noticeable to everyone here that this event is changing,not for the better,and it's bothering us. I would think for it to be more constructive to talk to Richard and see if he can hear our roar and most importantly understand it. There's enough good minded people here to come up with some kind of solution,idea,or thought for correcting the problems. I have been going to the nats since I was 14 years old,thanks to my bro inlaw taking to my first one, 20yrs ago. Been a member of the GSCA for 18 of them. Since then I have met a lot people,made a lot of friends,and seen a lot of cool cars during those years thanks to the nationals. I have seen my far share of changes during those years to. Some good and some bad,but it has always left me wanting more,and with the can't wait till next year attitude. Just like the rest of you have had and felt. The nationals are what we make of them,that will never change,we just need to make it more with the current times. Maybe, we shouldn't look at it as: The Nationals are dieing,but more like it needs a makeover. Well here I am carrying on and on like a bad tv commercial. Thanks for listening to me rant and hopefully some good will come from this thread :beer
  20. Running

    Running Midwest Buick Mafia

    Re: GS Nationals dieing

    I'd be pissed as well. It's time to take care of who takes care of "you" . don't you think?
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