Molson is by far my favorite, was everywhere when I lived in the northern part of the state. Tougher to get down "south" here, there's 3 bars that carry it for me and my friend runs a grocery store so she gets cases of it....Just a simple Busch Light man other than that. was easy. My first car was a '50 convertible, riding on snubbers in front and 2 sets of blocks in rear. Had to deflate tire and remove rear wheel to get brake drum off. Left gas stations at an angle, otherwise would lose exhaust extensions. The things we'd do when we were young. Bought it with my summer job money between junior/senior year. Put a '51 hood and associated parts on it for a "no money" attempt to get that smooth hood/grille look... ...I'm sure I speak for everyone following this thread. Keep it up...
My cousin's boy Paydon and me...close as I'm gonna get to a nephew....raising another car guy if I can help it, he looks like he's into it....
Put her all back together the other day, and it was still making the noise after the drums were turned, so I crawled back under the car with it all assembled. Finally found a couple little bends in the outside ring of the drum last night when I had time, which was contacting a couple small parts of the backing plate. A little heat and bent them straight, ground a couple spots on the plates, and we've finally got silence....
Nice thing about Montana is there's about 637,242 options for license plate designs....I kinda dig this new one....'Merica, dammit!
...that car looks perfect from every angle. You just can't take a bad pic of it. Nice vanity plate, will definitely help those who don't know what it is, unlike my choice, LEDSLED...
Hey thanks, John....What's funny is, I forgot to put a car show category for what I wanted the car to be entered when they announced "Best '50-'59 is Lucas Johnson with his, ummmmm, '49 Mercury" I had to laugh....Then they said the car was good enough that they skipped it ahead a spotted on the drive home and posted on Facebook, had about 5 friends all message me this same screen shot while I was driving the 300 miles home from the show.....Lot of miles put on the car this weekend, never missed a beat. This pic is from about 6500 ft elevation. It was coooooold up there last night, I didn't get home until about 9 p.m.
Hey - you're famous! No wonder - that car is soooo nice and a true classic of the custom era. Most people would keep them in a trailer so its great that you are using it as intended! It's like seeing a unicorn in the wild
Thank you Bill....the last guy drove the hell out of it, so I needed to keep the tradition, and his kids agreed. I can't stand trailering my stuff, never have, never will, no matter how nice they are. I actually met the fella that painted this car at the show, he said it was redone 4 times throughout Bill Austin's ownership, and was gold in the black and white pic that I've posted. Apparently Bill had a few too many one night and backed his truck into it, and that required this last repaint 30 years ago....everywhere I take it some old car guy has a story about it and Bill. Met some really interesting people the last few's the bug guts count while driving home and after i got it in the garage the night after the show. It always washes off....
I love that you drive the wheels off your Merc, that's what our cars are made for, not being garage queens. Vet
...looking forward to seeing car with skirts for authentic "sled" look, but the visible wide whitewall and Dodge cap in rear opening that balances front and fits rear body line is growin' on me...