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For all you model builders, 350 SSB?

Discussion in 'The Hobby Lobby' started by lostGS, Dec 22, 2024.

  1. lostGS

    lostGS Well-Known Member

    Does anyone know where I can source a 1/24-1/25 scale 350 Small block Buick engine?

  2. Nicholas Sloop

    Nicholas Sloop '08 GS Nats BSA runner up

    I'm not aware of any... FWIW, depending on your modelling skill, I know that the 350 is almost as wide as the BBB, just shorter... A couple of cuts with a razor saw, and some additional effort, depending on how close you want to be... :)
  3. bignastyGS

    bignastyGS Maggot pilot

    OT....but I am working with a resin guy that's going to make me a mounting bracket and pro charger for the 455 to simulate my motor. I'd contact some of the guys that do the resin parts to see what they say.
  4. Premier 350

    Premier 350 Chris (aka Webby)

    A 1/24th SBB would be pretty damn close to a 1/25th BBB. Trouble with that is that AFAIK there's no scale SBB.
    I reckon 3D printing would be the best option.

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