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Bumper Bolt Kits (Carriage Bolt or Hex Bolt Frame Bolt Option)

Discussion in 'Parts for sale' started by ToddsGS, Mar 6, 2023.

  1. ToddsGS

    ToddsGS Founders Club Member

    I've had these Bumper Bolt kits available for some time now but now offer 2 kits on the website.
    One that will provide the Carriage Bolts to mount the Bumpers to the Frame (which use to be an option)
    One that will provide Hex Bolts to mount the Bumpers to the Frame.

    Having one of each kit as an option just makes the ordering process a little easier. . . .

    Buick used both depending on what plant the car was built at.

    Prices start at $95 (Choose from 1970, 1971 & 1972) I believe 1969 is pretty much the same as our 1970 Kit.

    You can find these and many other Bolt Kits to help make your restoration easier on our Bolt and Fastener Page > https://www.stage1restoration.com/product-category/bolts_fasteners/

    The Best Bumper Hardware Kit on the Market for your Buick!

    Kits Include:

    • Correct Bumper to Frame Mounting Hardware (Carriage or Hex Style)
    • Correct Size Stainless Bumper Bolts, Washers & Huts
    • Tail Light Lens Mounting Screws
    • Front Turn Signal Housings Screws
    • License Plate (Fuel Door) Bracket Screws
    • License Plate Light Screws
    • Correct Side Brace Hardware
    • Everything needed to mount bumpers to your car!
    • Container Map so you know where every bolt goes!

    If you had your Bumpers re-chromed this is the kit you need to dress them out and mount them!

    Fits 1970 - 1972 Buick Front & Rear Bumpers






    I accept Pay Pal and all major Credit Cards.

    Thanks for Looking,

    Best Fastener Collection in the country for 1970 - 1972 Buick GS, GSX & Skylark! And Made in the USA.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Don't like dealing with the Big Name Retailers?
    Give me a shout. I'll be happy to help and share 30 + years of experience in Racing & Restoring Buick Muscle Cars.

    Check out my New Website for 100's of Buick GS, GSX & Skylark Restoration Parts!
    I now have an OEM Page as well with 100's of parts to be added as time permits!


    J. Jaeger likes this.
  2. ToddsGS

    ToddsGS Founders Club Member

  3. ToddsGS

    ToddsGS Founders Club Member

  4. Dano

    Dano Platinum Level Contributor

    Which did Flint (70-72) use?
  5. ToddsGS

    ToddsGS Founders Club Member

    Flint cars typically had the Carriage Bolts! (1970-72) Not sure about the other years . . . .

    I have had a lot of guys purchase the hex bolts simply because you can place a wrench on them but the Concours guys will stick with the Carriage style.
    The Chassis Manual shows both in use . . .

    J. Jaeger and Dano like this.
  6. Dano

    Dano Platinum Level Contributor

    That's what I thought but been awhile since I had an original Flint car. Will be getting an order together.
    ToddsGS likes this.
  7. ToddsGS

    ToddsGS Founders Club Member

  8. ToddsGS

    ToddsGS Founders Club Member

  9. ToddsGS

    ToddsGS Founders Club Member

  10. Dano

    Dano Platinum Level Contributor

    Just got a full f&r bumper hardware kit from Todd & it's impressive!
    J. Jaeger and ToddsGS like this.
  11. ToddsGS

    ToddsGS Founders Club Member

    Thank You Dano, much appreciated!! I hope my bolt kits make the restoration process easier and more enjoyable . . .

    J. Jaeger and Dano like this.
  12. ToddsGS

    ToddsGS Founders Club Member

  13. copperheadgs1

    copperheadgs1 copperheadgs1

    Todd, Have you ever checked the carriage head bolts you sell verses originals? originals have a very short square to hold into the bumper bracket and does not lock to the frame do the bumper can be adjusted. The big square carriage head bolts. I am restoring a GSX now and same thing. Small square under head. I have fixed these by grounding down the square .Its a real pain though I can send you pictures if you want. I really wish I could use regular bolts for this purpose but thats not correct for an X. Rusted ones are an absolute nightmare to remove. They just spin away. Uhg. Has anyone ever brought this up to you? Its not real obvious . It can lead to hours of frustration. If you start doing correct style i would certainly buy.
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2025
    J. Jaeger likes this.
  14. ToddsGS

    ToddsGS Founders Club Member

    The square seems to be about the same size. I've installed quite a few over the years and they fit the bumper brackets as they should and do not spin. To date, I've never had any customers call and complain about the size so I feel like they work as intended.

    IF they didn't work properly, I wouldn't sell them. The head is slightly different then originals but it's all we have in today's market. They've always passed judging as well.

    I will add that another thing that can add to them "spinning" in the frame is if the original hole has been "stretched" with time or rust . . . . I aways tell people that my hardware kits are designed to replace the size that Buick installed on the car and IF they don't work it's because the original holes have been stretched or had the wrong screw installed at some point. A perfect example of this is the Rocker Trim Screws. Buick used a # 8 screw but over the years body shops etc used a # 10 screw in some cases and now the factory hole is to big.

    J. Jaeger likes this.
  15. copperheadgs1

    copperheadgs1 copperheadgs1

  16. copperheadgs1

    copperheadgs1 copperheadgs1

    IMG_0477.jpeg Todd, here is the difference. You can see square is much smaller on original, I may try N take a movie tomorrow to show you the problem I have using these.
    J. Jaeger likes this.
  17. copperheadgs1

    copperheadgs1 copperheadgs1

    Ive had the same issues with my friends Oldsmobile's which use the same set up.
    J. Jaeger likes this.
  18. ToddsGS

    ToddsGS Founders Club Member

    Ok, it appears you're saying the originals have the problem with spinning due to a thinner square...?... mine do utilize a thicker square so that may help with your issue. (unless you don't want to use "reproductions")
    J. Jaeger likes this.
  19. newmexguy

    newmexguy Well-Known Member

    Had some near perfect "Carriage" style bumper bracket bolts, that believe went to Mr. Dano. Not sure if they were Buick or Olds. Wonder how they compare?

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