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70-72 rust repair

Discussion in 'Repro Parts' started by gs_jimmy, Oct 31, 2024.

  1. gs_jimmy

    gs_jimmy Well-Known Member

    OK, what company is making the lower fender and lower quarter panel patches? I'm finding very little out there. Trying to build a driver quality '71. I can find the whole 1/4 skin ($$$) but not a decent lower quarter panel or 1/2 height patch panel. Also need a Dr. Fender as the car got a big wham-o above the wheel arch (looks like an implement was backed into it).

    I'm in So. WI, central.


  2. Dano

    Dano Platinum Level Contributor

    Contact @oldschool85 for lower fender patch panels. They're discontinued but I believe he has some.

    The only option for quarter patches is the Tabco skins which I believe are available.
  3. dhenderz

    dhenderz Well-Known Member

  4. gs_jimmy

    gs_jimmy Well-Known Member

    Just got the car home, need full fenders as these are toast. Quarters and outer wheelhouses need to be done, as well as the pass side rocker ( dr side is ok, but needs a small patch). Will pull up the carpet in the morning to check the floors. Trunk floor is useable as is, but very dirty.

    Thanks for the responses on this one!

    Dano likes this.
  5. dhenderz

    dhenderz Well-Known Member

  6. gs_jimmy

    gs_jimmy Well-Known Member

    Dhenderz - no pics just yet, its one step above "part out"
  7. gs_jimmy

    gs_jimmy Well-Known Member

    OK, new question regarding the "repairs". I picked up the floor sections needed, outer rocker (pass side), floor support sections (L & R) and started rebuilding the rusted out inner rocker. (will do some pics this weekend). The question for today is this" : Can I use a Chevelle outer wheelhouse as a starting point for the quarter panel repair? This panel is readily available and reasonably priced for what I'm doing. The shape of the wheel lip opening seems to be similar enough the Skylark body. I realize that I will need to modify somewhat.

    I know that the deck lid and rocker are the same as Chevelle, if this holds true for other parts I may have solution to some of the rust problems.

    Let me know

  8. gs_jimmy

    gs_jimmy Well-Known Member

    Here is where I'm at. Start with welding the structure parts today

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    Dano likes this.
  9. gs_jimmy

    gs_jimmy Well-Known Member

    The kid I got this from blew the engine up and then tore it down to the short block. Gonna need a frame in the spring as he wiped out the Pass Side rocker and cracked the frame. Found other questionable repairs as well. Not a big deal, just a PITA.
    Dano likes this.
  10. gs_jimmy

    gs_jimmy Well-Known Member

    Welded in the replacement inner rocker at the rear 1/4. Started working on the lower pass side cowl area after that. Slow going, as everything I open an area....more to deal with. Just how it goes with this stuff. I'll do pics monday after work.


    End product will be a base model Skylark with a TR code Stage One 455. TH350 and whatever gear the car has (guessing 2.56 or 2.73 open as it's base model, A/C and cloth interior, only option is rear defog)
    Brian Albrecht likes this.
  11. gs_jimmy

    gs_jimmy Well-Known Member

    Weldin and making the structure pieces is very tedious! Inner rocker is all there now and have moves to the pass side lower cowl. Every time I open up something.....rust issues. Oh well that's the fun of it

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  12. gs_jimmy

    gs_jimmy Well-Known Member

    Last nights progress. Outer cowl sections made. Finish the Inner section below the HAVC ducting next, that "should" close up that area and be able to weld, paint/prime and seam seal. Then I can do the floor sections and outer rocker

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  13. gs_jimmy

    gs_jimmy Well-Known Member

    Got the inner section made and ready to weld in. Should be able to get to that today. Waiting for my seam sealer to show up from the jungle web people to get it all "completed". That means 1 small part kinda done I guess. Can move on the finalizing the inner rocker, floor support(s) and get the outer rocker fitted. After all that is done/ready then get the pass side floor installed.

    Found a couple front clips local, both need work.

    Dadrider likes this.
  14. GSXER

    GSXER Well-Known Member

    That's a hell of a lot of work for a Skylark...good luck
    Mark Demko likes this.
  15. gs_jimmy

    gs_jimmy Well-Known Member

    GSXER -Been collecting parts for years and need to put them somewhere. Car will get my TR coded (Stage 1) 455 from my GS California. That car now has an iron block LSI and 4L60e. Nice performance and supported well in the aftermarket. Plan is to finish up the Skylark and move it on to the next Buick Guy, solid body, workable interior, running and driving. That will allow for a Terminator X system on a 4BBL manifold and the all-important GS Aircleaner. The truck manifold isn't looking the part right now.

    Hoping to be able to finish the pass side floor by the weekend.
  16. gs_jimmy

    gs_jimmy Well-Known Member

    Been a while since I posted last. Floors are in, a little finish welding to do yet. had to get cowl panels for it. Slowly getting there, 4 hours in the evening and weekends

    Attached Files:

    12lives likes this.
  17. gs_jimmy

    gs_jimmy Well-Known Member

    Motor & trans are in for mock-up
    12lives likes this.
  18. 3shields

    3shields Let's go, MOUNTAINEERS!!!

    Wow! Alot of hard work there. Keep at it, you're getting there!
  19. gs_jimmy

    gs_jimmy Well-Known Member

    Yeah, getting something done every day. Was welding the lower rocker pinch weld, really nice welds....didn't get the powder coat completely off and my welds didn't stick. UG.

    Well there is always tonight.
  20. Brian Albrecht

    Brian Albrecht Classic Reflections

    Kudos for going after all that corrosion. This car is lucky to have met you!

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