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1976 Electra-big car-Aluminum Radiator

Discussion in 'A boatload of fun' started by mazzy70, Jan 28, 2024.

  1. mazzy70

    mazzy70 Bill

    Hey guys,

    Anyone here on the board successfully dropped an aluminum radiator in their big car that's a drop in? An aluminum 2 core with 1.25 tubes would be ideal, but typically those radiators are 3 inches thick. The original 3 core is only 2.5, or so. I'm worried about the top, or bottom mount being weird, or not fitting well. Champions 2 core ec161 has 3/4 tubes. Boooo. The 72 GS Cold Case radiator might fit, but that's 3 inches thick. Any experience, or knowledge I can use to my advantage?
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2024
  2. mazzy70

    mazzy70 Bill

    US radiator looks like a decent option. Their 2 core, 1.25 inch tube option is 125 bucks extra, for a total of about 770. Getting spendy.
  3. Tomahawk

    Tomahawk Platinum Level Contributor

  4. mazzy70

    mazzy70 Bill

    I looked at Champion radiators. They were definitely an option. I didn't like the port on the Champion, by the neck that I would have to plug. I think I am going to try the Cold Case as I feel I have the room for it with a rubber insulator swap out. They also have a little bigger tube size. All the dimensions line up, and the cooler lines fall in the right spot for me. I also like the way the tanks look. Closer to stock. I'll probably update the site when I get it finished up. I thought maybe I'd get a hit on an Electra guy running an aluminum radiator to get some thoughts.
  5. 66electrafied

    66electrafied Just tossing in my nickel's worth

    I had to drop one in my 67 Wildcat convertible once in order to get home. I was about 700 miles away. It was a straight off-the-shelf unit and it dropped right in, and made a world of difference. I didn't have to run the heater on full blast on the way home, the car ran nice and cool. I don't know who made it, but it came from Lordco in BC, and IMHO they are a better parts outfit than NAPA ever was, at least here in Canada.
  6. mazzy70

    mazzy70 Bill

    That's encouraging for the folks looking for a decent, low cost solution to aluminum. If it'll get you home, right? My Harrison 3 core has served me well for 15+ years, but after the addition of Vintage Aire last year, it has been touch and go when it gets 85, or so outside. 215-225 is not out of the question with a 180 thermostat, and the AC running. Original shroud, fan, and clutch too. I am hoping a big 2 core and a 19.5-20 inch 7 blade fan will drop me 10-15 on the high side. However, originality is important to me too. I'll keep the 5 blade just to tinker. We will see how it goes.
  7. bostoncat68

    bostoncat68 Platinum Level Contributor

    I have the champion 161 on my Wildcat, it has worked well.
  8. nekkidhillbilly

    nekkidhillbilly jeffreyrigged youtube channel owner

    so in my 72 i actually used a c10 aluminum radiator. Its pretty much a perfect fit. Idr the year. either 67-72 or 73-87 one.
  9. Nekkidhillbilly...
    Do you remember what radiator company you used for that C10 aluminum radiator?
    And or the part number

  10. Luxus

    Luxus Gold Level Contributor

    I installed an ECP 2 row aluminum radiator for a Skylark in my 74 Lesabre. Fit pretty well, although not 100 % perfect. But close enough.
  11. nekkidhillbilly

    nekkidhillbilly jeffreyrigged youtube channel owner

    it was for a 67-72 c10 it was a ebay. Car was lost to a flood but it worked really well when I had it. I did some part searching on stock radiators and found out they basically the same from factory. I tried a skylark one it was a bit smaller and returned it.

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