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1972 GS 455 Convertible - $52k in WA

Discussion in 'Cars and Parts For Sale Leads' started by cjp69, Jan 3, 2025.

  1. cjp69

    cjp69 Gold Level Contributor

    rolliew and Dano like this.
  2. Ryans-GSX

    Ryans-GSX Have fun, life is short.

    Looks like a 1971 skylark custom grill and 72 headlight bezels chromed. Looks good but definitely wrong.
    Dano, AC Larry and BYoung like this.
  3. Randy Lutz

    Randy Lutz Well-Known Member

    This is the car that has the funky rocker mouldings. They are too long for the car, or the car is too short for the mouldings.
    Dano likes this.
  4. charlierogers

    charlierogers GSX stage 1 4 speed #149

    regardless of the things wrong, this car is a gorgeous daily/weekend cruiser!!!!!
  5. dhenderz

    dhenderz Well-Known Member

    Yes, and oddly only on the driver side. It is either a mistake in the fender or quarter patch work (or both).

  6. Dano

    Dano Platinum Level Contributor

    Or a 4-door rocker molding.
    704spd likes this.
  7. 446379H

    446379H Well-Known Member

    40 year owner and zero documents . But has 30 year old tires :rolleyes:
  8. Max Damage

    Max Damage I'm working on it!

    This car is actually in Dallas.

    It's at a place called "The Shop" which is a sort of rich man's car club.


    Lots of big $ cars (Porsche, Ferrari, Yenko Chevelle,etc.)

    I know this because my '68 GS Cal car is here in Seattle (They hide it in back when I am not working on it (lol)).

    The Dallas Sales Manager is Rob Massagli, and his # is (940) 703-0016 if anyone has interest.
    cjp69 likes this.
  9. 446379H

    446379H Well-Known Member

  10. 446379H

    446379H Well-Known Member

    What do they charge you rich folks for storage ? It just says $15 for tours .
  11. Max Damage

    Max Damage I'm working on it!

    Tours are free here in Seattle. Storage is $350 a month per vehicle or $250 if it's outside, This includes access to wash bays with all the cleaning products,(mostly Griots) for any car you bring in. as well as access to lifts (4) and one outdoor work area.

    It's a lot, but it allows me to work on my car and keep it high and dry which is huge for me. Some people I have spoken to have as many as 12 vehicles stored! It's a cool place if you are a car guy with a lot of amazing cars. If anyone is in Seattle and wants to take a look, feel free to reach out via PM, I am happy to show you around.

    If anyone is local and wants to use a lift for their Buick or any other car, let me know and we can do that too.

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