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Do we talk about 90s Roadmaters here?

Discussion in 'Drag'n Wagons' started by garybuick, Jan 31, 2025.

  1. garybuick

    garybuick Time Traveler

    Technically its a V8 Buick even its a chevy LT1 motor.. So.. is there any interest in that here? Sold my Lesabres a while back. Recently acquired a 1996 Roadmaster Wagon any body else "in the same BOAT" so to speak?
    Max Damage, mbryson and Dano like this.
  2. V6sleeper

    V6sleeper Well-Known Member

    Been thinking about acquiring one for many years if the right one came along 94-96 and under 175k miles , but all sh*t pails in the NY area for crazy asking prices
    garybuick likes this.
  3. mineseats9

    mineseats9 Gold Level Contributor

    Had a ‘94 RMW for years, sold it and I daily drive a ‘96 RMW now. Love it.
    garybuick likes this.
  4. garybuick

    garybuick Time Traveler

    Well I just picked up one myself and was hoping there was a sub forum here to talk about it since it is a V8 Buick even though the V8 is a chevy engine, it is in a Buick car.. not sure if it meets the criteria. So after not having a V8 Buick for several years now I am once again a V8 Buick owner (sort of). I do miss the simplicity of my 71 and 73 though.
  5. Nailhead in a 1967

    Nailhead in a 1967 Kell-Mnown Wember

    Welcome back Gary, your last post on the board was in 2019. [​IMG]

    About the Roadmaster:

    It's a Buick with a GM engine, in the late 70's GM started mounting corporate engines in their cars.
    A 1978 Riviera or Electra with a 403 Oldsmobile engine, or a 1982 Regal with a Pontiac 301...

    So your Roadmaster with the Chevrolet LT1 engine also belongs here on the board.

    1996 was the last year, so it should have the Collectors Edition ornament.
    Only 8962 (total for both series) were built for model year 1996.

    I took a few photos of the 1996 Roadmaster EW information for you:



    Edit: I now notice that they listed it as a V6 in this book "Standard Catalog of Buick 1903-2004 3rd Edition":rolleyes:

    The weird thing is that in the 2nd edition, that I also have here, the Roadmasters are correctly listed as V8's.
    So someone edited the book for a newer edition and changed V8 into V6....
    And they also changed the seating from 8 people to 6 people.

    From the older edition:


    Anyway: now we want to see some photos of your Roadmonster.... [​IMG]
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2025
    garybuick likes this.
  6. Nailhead in a 1967

    Nailhead in a 1967 Kell-Mnown Wember

    More photos with 1996 Roadmaster information:



    I wonder why the "heavy-duty cooling" was 50 dollar more for the Roadmaster Limited... (I think they mean the sedan version there?)
    garybuick likes this.
  7. garybuick

    garybuick Time Traveler

    Thank you Nailhead
  8. buickdreamin

    buickdreamin I need a new old car ...

    Love my '91. Ralphie in the side yard.jpg
    garybuick, mineseats9 and Max Damage like this.
  9. Ken Mild

    Ken Mild King of 18 Year Resto's

    No offense to anyone, and I love wagons, but I was never a huge fan of this body style. I always thought the proportions were sorta strange. The dimensions of that high roof vs the low hood reminds me of a Sperm Whale. Maybe it would have looked better to me with fully open rear wheel wells like the front. It makes such a difference. It would balance out the huge real estate between the wheel and the roof back there. Maybe it's just the amount of window. It's like Pacer level glass.
    garybuick, timesublime and mineseats9 like this.
  10. 436'd Skylark

    436'd Skylark Sweet Fancy Moses!!!!!

    My grandma drove the Olds version, she might have bought it new. I think it was a custom cruiser? I hated it then, and hate them now! Weirdest looking wagon ever made..
    garybuick likes this.
  11. garybuick

    garybuick Time Traveler

    Thats what i used to think, im starting to like them now. Wheels and tires really makes the look. Lol sperm whale
    Mike B in SC, Waterboy and mineseats9 like this.
  12. mineseats9

    mineseats9 Gold Level Contributor

    How dare you???? Haha, I love the look. I don’t know why, but I do. I feel like I’m driving the Space Shuttle around everyday. Save the Whales!
  13. Ken Mild

    Ken Mild King of 18 Year Resto's

    Hey, don't worry. You forget I own a love-it-or-hate-it 69 Stepchild. We 68-69 owners have endured plenty. :D
  14. garybuick

    garybuick Time Traveler

    Whats the controversy with 68 69 stepchild. I havent heard.
  15. Ken Mild

    Ken Mild King of 18 Year Resto's

    Well, the whole reason it inherited that name is because it's been said in years past that they don't get the recognition or love that the pre 68 square bodies and post 69 A bodies get (70-72) get. Perhaps due to its portly figure, as some have said. Which is true. Big real estate in that rear quarter. So somewhere someone at one time (I think on this board) called the 68-69 the red headed stepchild of the Buick A Bodies. So the name Stepchild stuck. In fact, there's a whole facebook page I think dedicated to Stepchildren.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2025 at 8:08 AM
  16. docgsx

    docgsx It's not a GTX

  17. garybuick

    garybuick Time Traveler

    Thats a nice one.
  18. Nailhead in a 1967

    Nailhead in a 1967 Kell-Mnown Wember


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