What is your coolant flush and fill technique's

Discussion in 'A boatload of fun' started by jalopi42, May 12, 2016.

  1. jalopi42

    jalopi42 Don't Wait

    so I bought a 74 oldsmobile 98 455 acrs car with low miles and proceeded to do the basic 30 year storage revival and started to drain out what appeared to be old coolant but I did drive it about 50 miles on some bias ply's and had no problems but a full hose and thermo replacement was also going on. now I cant seem to get the system to keep the new stuff down it wants to bubble and puke some and not flow as good as before could it be the larger encased Robert shaw thermo is needed to be put back in
  2. 73Electra 225

    73Electra 225 Well-Known Member

    Defective thermostat maybe? I know others have posted before testing brand new ones on the stove and being defective.
  3. jalopi42

    jalopi42 Don't Wait

    I have done this a bunch I'm sure as we all have drain the system cold and fill rad start and wait till the thermo opens turn heat on and fill slowly leave the cap off till all looks good then cap on for a few minutes fill the bottle and shut er down.
    of course the heater control valve in this one is stuck so no full cycle and I did get the top hose off and seen thermo was open it just seems like either pump or some huge air pocket I cant seem to burp out btw this is my first olds 455 [newbi]
  4. woodchuck2

    woodchuck2 Well-Known Member

    One thing i like to do with a new thermostat is drill i 1/8th hole in it if it doesnt have one already. IMO it helps bleed any air out and does not effect the warm up or cooling when hot at all.
  5. jalopi42

    jalopi42 Don't Wait

    never thought of that so drill a 1/8 hole in the flange for a little by pass it must work :Brow:
    I just finished up installing a new heater control valve and now have flow out of heater core but now the water pump has a squeal so maybe the flush chemical clogged it up

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