Weight of '64 425

Discussion in ''Da Nailhead' started by 64dualquad, Jan 21, 2003.

  1. 64dualquad

    64dualquad 64 Dual Quad Rivi

    Does anyone know the weight of a '64 425 nailhead including the heads and intake? I need to know how big of an engine stand and hoist I need.
  2. telriv@msn.com

    telriv@msn.com Active Member

    Starter & all, ready to run, less than 700 pds. But get a biiger one, much more stable for rolling around. Better to be safe than sorry.Tom
  3. yellowpm

    yellowpm New Member

    big enough to haul your fat ass around, no really get something on the order of 1000-1250 pounds cap. kind of like the the engine stand you borrowed from me the last time you worked on a nailhead, which incidentally came from the Matco dealer in Illinois...
  4. Babeola

    Babeola Well-Known Member

    Engine Weight

    This may come in handy for your favorites.

    Cheryl :)
  5. 64dualquad

    64dualquad 64 Dual Quad Rivi

    Thanks to all. Looks like about 685 lbs.

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