Parts tip (even if it means associating with shivvies)

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by BadBrad, Dec 31, 2002.

  1. BadBrad

    BadBrad Got 4-speed?

    There is a shop near me by the name of Chevyland (choke). They have an extensive collection of shivvy parts including many of those parts common to A bodies. I shop there occasionally since they offer many items at a slight discount from Y/O, OPGI, etc. Plus, unlike OPGI, they actually have a catalog plus one on-line for download. I tried to get a catalog from OPGI for months only to find out that they are out and won't have more until MAY - cut me a break!!!

    How can you have no catalogs and call yourself a mail order business? Anyway, I digress.

    The link

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