Off track threads? Its gonna happen!

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by derek244, Jul 15, 2004.

  1. 70 Skylark Conv

    70 Skylark Conv Well-Known Member

    Yep, I totally agree. This last one ain't mysteriously disappearing for some reason! Gotta give a hint every once in a while to get some space.

    Sorry guys!
  2. NickDFX

    NickDFX Well-Known Member

    "colloquialism" ....nice...very nice. Awful big werd fer yal dem der gee hee..

    Sorry to say but, that "colloquialism" is not exclusive to the south. I'm sure you've heard the "Yankee" version which replaces the word chicken. Of course the fact that all things claimed as "Southern" would be a misnomer anyway seeing how everything in the south was wrecked and replaced by dem dar Yankees anyhoo.

    btw, thanks about Sandy, she's doing great. Her arthritis will actually be a lot better now because while they were in there rebuilding her differential, they cleaned up the bearings too. It's a very interesting procedure, one of the many she had. It's called FHO. Femural Head Ostectomy. Where they remove about a half inch of bone from the top of the femur at the hip socket. Leaving space in the joint so then new tissue forms and is thus the pain from arthritis is removed because there is no more friction. My differential and bearing reference is pretty similar.
  3. jamyers

    jamyers 2 gallons of fun

    Huh??? :confused:

  4. wilburdean

    wilburdean nameless stranger

    he's makin' fun of us southern boys. I seem to have surpised him with my vocabulary, and firm grasp of the english language.
  5. jamyers

    jamyers 2 gallons of fun

    Oh. Well, even with my thickest drawl engaged I can't make heads or tails out of "der gee hee"...makes me think of a Norwegian fisherman... :Do No:

  6. wilburdean

    wilburdean nameless stranger

    must be left coast hippie speak, or something. :laugh:
  7. rex362

    rex362 paint clear and drive

    "der gee hee"

    isnt that a line from Brokeback Mountain ??
  8. wilburdean

    wilburdean nameless stranger

    rexxxy, i'll be deeply wounded if you saw it without me. :ball: :laugh:
  9. rex362

    rex362 paint clear and drive

    no no Clint....just saw a preview on a talk show...plans are still a GO dont forget

    April 1st @ 7:00 pm...where something green...leave the hat at home this time
  10. wilburdean

    wilburdean nameless stranger

    but blue brings out my eyes rexxy. and i just wouldn't feel at home without my stetson.
  11. rex362

    rex362 paint clear and drive

    ok ok wear blue and bring the stetson :mad: ...but dont you dare bring that creme colored sweater that you always tie on your neck and hang off your back!
  12. jamyers

    jamyers 2 gallons of fun

    I'm gonna go hurl...
  13. rex362

    rex362 paint clear and drive

    be that way
  14. wilburdean

    wilburdean nameless stranger

  15. rex362

    rex362 paint clear and drive

    sheeeesh its only clothes....why does this always have 2 be a a little flexible ya know ..give and take
  16. wilburdean

    wilburdean nameless stranger

    i am flexible, i thought that's why you wanted to take me to the movies.
  17. rex362

    rex362 paint clear and drive

    THATS IT !!!!! :af: I cant take this no hair is starting to hurt

    You can sit at home and watch the sundance channel all by yourself on April 1st....and I hope you burn your popcorn and spill your butter on your French carpet.

    I will ask Jeffy if he wants to come along...who needs you :moonu:

    and if Jeffy is busy that nite , I will go by myself .....there should be plenty of others hanging around at the premier of Brokeback Mountain that would join me .

    I dont wanna talk to you no more !

    me sick :Brow:
  18. wilburdean

    wilburdean nameless stranger

  19. rex362

    rex362 paint clear and drive

    I'm not talking to you....I can tell your jealous at the mention of Jeffy
  20. rex362

    rex362 paint clear and drive

    :eek2: :eek2: A FEMALE HAS JUST POSTED :eek2: :eek2: :eek2:

    RUN FELLERS RUN !!! (forest gump style)

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