Microsoft Edge - Can't write a forum post

Discussion in 'Tips On Using The Board' started by austxsteve, Aug 11, 2015.

  1. austxsteve

    austxsteve Well-Known Member

    Good morning all,

    Is it just me or if anyone else is using the new Windows 10 browser; called Edge (replaced Internet Explorer) it let's me surf the forum nicely, but when I bring up a window to post a new message, I don't get a blinking cursor to be able to type within the box.
  2. Mr. Sunset

    Mr. Sunset Platinum Level Contributor

    It's just you.I have The new 10 and it's working fine.
  3. austxsteve

    austxsteve Well-Known Member

    Ha, now that's interesting.
    Taking your comment I selected reply to thread and it was once again blank. No matter how many times I clicked in the box or just tried typing. Nothing happened.

    But this time for grins, I clicked on the font icon (A) and chose auto, and now I can see what I am typing and the blinking cursor once again appears on the screen. Crazy stuff.

    Thanks for confirming.
  4. Mr. Sunset

    Mr. Sunset Platinum Level Contributor

    glad you got it worked out. not sure if I like win 10 yet. I'll know in a month or two. gl
  5. austxsteve

    austxsteve Well-Known Member

    For many years I used IE, 7/8/9 but around 9 I started getting a bit flustered and moved over to Firefox. Now with MS Edge, I've gone back and so far I'm impressed. I still have FF and sometimes I check how fast one loads vs the other. Edge seems to have... well.... the edge. :) Might stay with MS this time around.

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