About to test the "history of my Stage 1"

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Dan K, Mar 7, 2003.

  1. Dan K

    Dan K Well-Known Member

    I found a company that has VHS copies of footage from the Rose parades prior to 1995 for 50.00 each. Kind of steep, but I don't think they get a lot of calls for them... My Stage 1 was reportedly a 1970 Rose Parade car, and the video will prove or disprove it. It's also possible that it was used in the festivities, but not the parade. I sure hope I see it come rumbling down the street with one of the Apollo 12 astronauts in it, stop, and roast the skins, choking the Mayor of Pasadena, and the marching band from Tupelo in a cloud of lung searing Super Wide Oval smoke! AAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!
  2. Marco

    Marco Well-Known Member

    Very cool - at least there is a company that keeps the footage.

    Let us know how you make out...

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