400 hp, 500 tq .030 over 401?

Discussion in ''Da Nailhead' started by 401Riviera, Oct 15, 2012.

  1. asu_nate

    asu_nate Active Member

    The first time I saw .7854 I was like what the crap too, but when you do the math...

    Area of a circle = Pi*r^2 = Pi*(D/2)^2 = (Pi*D^2)/4 = D^2*(Pi/4) = D^2*0.7854 Then for dispacement multiply the area by stroke and # of cylinders. Displacement = 0.7854*D^2*Stroke*# of Cylinders.

    0.7854 is also easy to remember cause it's a counter clockwise circle in the upper left on the calculator :Brow:
  2. CameoInvicta

    CameoInvicta Well-Known Member

    Also another viable method. I was in a time crunch and didn't have to deal with a machine shop. But still wouldn't require the use of spacers.
  3. GSBuick65

    GSBuick65 Well-Known Member

    I dont think a b&m converter will work with a st400 without changing the valve body to a thm400.

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