Want to win $500 for buick parts? Lets help a 6year old beat Cancer

Discussion in 'Help From Above' started by cstanley-gs, Jul 31, 2017.

  1. cstanley-gs

    cstanley-gs Silver Mist

    Win $500 for Buick parts !! (or spend on your wife)
    As a lot of you know, Im helping a 6 year old boy beat Cancer. He's my sons best buddy.

    Its easy to take part, just join the following group. View the pinned post and request a number. Send in your funds (Paypal) and we'll hook you up with the number of your choice 1-59. The NY lotto will draw the winner.

    You could win $500 and help a great cause at the same time. 100% of proceeds go to Andrew.

    Andrew is having his 3rd treatment this week in Mexico. US FDA will now allow him to have any more radiation so the trip to Mexico is his only chance. This treatment costs $35,000. Holy crap! Basically, the Dr's there have 'radiation seeds' that they implant on the tumor in Andrews head. Being very specific where the radiation goes.

    To play, join this page.

    If you just want to read and see how Andrew is doing you can join this page

    Here's Andrew (right) with my son Paul
  2. hwprouty

    hwprouty Platinum Level Contributor

    #53 for me!!
  3. cstanley-gs

    cstanley-gs Silver Mist

    Got it! Thanks so much Harold! And good luck!
    hwprouty likes this.
  4. cstanley-gs

    cstanley-gs Silver Mist

  5. TrunkMonkey

    TrunkMonkey Totally bananas

    I just joined and sent Curtis funds.

    #58 if it's available.

    Thanks, and pass on my best wishes to all concerned (I am betting that will be a big task.)
  6. cstanley-gs

    cstanley-gs Silver Mist

    Thanks so much guys!
    Feel free to share the page, sooner we sell all numbers the sooner we have $1000 for Andrew. And maybe $500 for you!
  7. cstanley-gs

    cstanley-gs Silver Mist

    Here's some updates from last week. (his butt pain is the incision in the groin where the dr goes up though his body, up his neck and right to the tumor to deliver the radiation seed.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

  8. cstanley-gs

    cstanley-gs Silver Mist

    Update from Andrews Mom today
    Post 3rd treatment update. Andrew's 3rd treatment went very routinely but had a bit of excitement in the ICU during recovery. Andrew woke up screaming in pain from pain associated in his bottom (nerve endings were being effected by the procedure). His screams were so loud that My husband and daughter weren't allowed back until he calmed a bit. So, off mommy went to try and help calm the screaming boy. In addition to the screaming came an excessive amount of thrashing around. The pain meds were just kicking in when our next bit of excitement came. The intense thrashing around tore open the puncture site in his femoral artery which brought with it a very decent bleed. Once again dad and big sister were ushered out as the ICU team worked to undress his wound, clean the wound and then redress the wound. I'm pretty I was more traumatized then Andrew, though he was screaming pretty loudly through the entire ordeal. There are a few things in life that I'll never forget among them being seeing arterial spray spew from my 6yr olds femoral artery. After 4 hours of direct pressure, the bleed was contained and through Gods grace there is no hematoma. Andrew has an amazing bruise that is painful but it'll heal.

    This procedure was our combo Chemo/immunotherapy treatment and with it brought some new post procedure effects. He's had an on again off again fever and has been extremely tired, which I'm told is all normal.

    Since our last procedure, Andrew has been very off balance which effects his walking. We met with the doctors yesterday, Tuesday, to discuss the MRIs and his new symptoms. They feel that his MRI shows that the tumor is stable but we have increased swelling around the site which is most likely what's effecting his balance. They also believe that the swelling was there before but that it didn't show up as pronounced because it was artificially being reduced by the steriods he had been on. For now, we wait and see and pray the swelling goes down and his balance returns.

    Thank you to everyone for your continued prayers, support and spreading the word.

    Please continue to consider spreading Andrew's story and sharing his page as second only to prayers at the moment is funding. This is a very expensive adventure and everyone's generosity no matter how great or small is greatly appreciated and valued.

    God bless.
  9. cstanley-gs

    cstanley-gs Silver Mist

  10. cstanley-gs

    cstanley-gs Silver Mist

    Dont forget, if you want in on the chance to win $500 there's only 14 numbers left.
    To play, go to the facebook page. View the pinned post and comment there to pick a number, then paypal


    The NY lotto bonus number will decide the winner as soon as all numbers are sold.

    Thanks so much guys.
  11. cstanley-gs

    cstanley-gs Silver Mist

  12. CARHEX1

    CARHEX1 Founders Club Member

    any updates brother?
  13. matt68gs400

    matt68gs400 Well-Known Member

  14. cstanley-gs

    cstanley-gs Silver Mist

    Saw this update from Andrews mom this morning

    "Morning everyone.
    We're off to Mexico for Andrew 6th treatment and final Immunotherapy. It's been of a rough month as inflammation due to either progression or immunotherapy and that inflammation has effected his walk and left side. We also had paralysis on the left side of his face due to the inflammation, happily that's returning to normal. At the moment his gag reflex on the left is non existent also due to inflammation. So, where are we at. We pray and push on knowing Heavenly Father hears our prayers and believing that he will hold Andrew up and completely heal him.

    Thank you for the continued donations that make our trip and treatment possible.

    God bless."

    Andrew has more balance problems now.
    He's actually going to use a wheels chair for transition between classes in school. My son volunteered to help push him :)

    He just had his seventh birthday this past weekend at his house. He had some friend from school over for a pirate party!

    Happy birthday little man....

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    Last edited: Oct 19, 2017
  15. cstanley-gs

    cstanley-gs Silver Mist

    Sorry guys. Been a little slow in the updated lately

    Here's one from last night


    Today was MRI day in Mexico. Though he is no longer sedated for them, so he can eat, he hates them as he hates being poked as they try and run a line in his vein for contrast. You see, Andrews vein are not easily visible on his hands or in his arm bend making the task of the IV that much less fun. He told me tonight that he wanted to use his birthday money to buy a vein finder to keep at the clinic so it wouldn't hurt him anymore and no other child would be hurt while running IVs. I love that kid. Heart of gold.
    This is our 4th Immunotherapy treatment and it's proving to be very tough on his little body. He is super exhausted nearly all the time, which he hates, and inflammation in his brain (due to we hope the immunotherapy but possibly progression) is affecting his left side. It's hard to watch your kid struggle knowing that you've played a hand in it, regardless of how well intentioned that hand is. So I do the only thing I can do - I pray. And I keep my faith the God will heal him and see him through.
    This picture, although, truly not flattering shows just how exhausted my little warrior is. He can't hide his fatigue, it's out there for everyone to see. This face, this face is one that I would die for. He is what all your donations go toward.

    Thank you for sharing his story and praying for Andrew. That is the single most powerful gift anyone can give.

    Attached Files:

  16. cstanley-gs

    cstanley-gs Silver Mist

    We're doing it again before Christmas.
    I wish I had good news but although tumor progression has not been confirmed on new scans, Andrew has been declining
    You can read more here

    The lotto is open and numbers are available. You could will $500 - would be a nice New Years right?

    If you wish to donate or purchase a number, please join the facebook page, comment on the pinned post with the number you want and send funds via the paypal link in that post.

    From the facebook page


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